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Carley Rose, Modas sutentable y Tenología

La Moda se mueve a través de la sustentabilidad de Carley Rose y su vestido con Cintas Led

Sydney, Australia - La diseñadora Carley Rose es conciente del ambien y ha estado construyendo su colección de Moda usando fibras sustentables y organicas, así como los teñidos que aplica.

"He querido integrar nueva tecnología en mis diseños, pero siempre crei que la electronica tenía partes antiesteticas hasta que encontré los LED RIBBON e inmediatamente pensé en incorporarlos a mi diseño de bordados. La luz difusa saldrá entre de las piedras del bordado para crear un efecto de estrellas titilando" comenta Carley Rose.

Carley trabajó por tres semanas completas en el bordado a mano, primero haciendo un mapa del patron, luego bordando las piedras en el top usandolas como un telar y tejidos, la parte de incorporar los LED RIBBONS en el mismo sentido. Uso frambuesas en su huella en la sustentabilidad, para reducir teñidos toxicos. Uso aproximadamente 1 kilo de frambuesas para teñir seda natural dando un increible rosa.

"Necesitamos más Moda - tecnología lista que es muy sencilla de usar en las prendas, después necesitamos pensar encomo hacerlo más sustentabe para minimizar el impacto que tendrán en el ambiente" - Carley Rose.


Fashion Moves Towards Sustainability with Carley Rose's LED Ribbon Dress Sydney, Australia - Designer Carley Rose is environmentally conscious and has been building her fashion collection using sustainable organic fibres and dyes. She is in co-operation with 360Fashion Network on the a soft fabric LED Ribbon to explore and infuse wearable technology into her couture design. “I had been wanting to integrate new technologies into my designs but had always thought electronics would involve more large unsightly electrical parts but then I found the LED Ribbon and immediately I thought about incorporating it into my beading design. The diffused light would shine out from behind the beads to create the effect of twinkling stars." said Carley Rose. Carley worked for three full weeks on the hand beading, first mapping out the pattern, and then stitching the beads on top using a loom and needle, all the while incorporating the LED ribbon in the same way. She used raspberries in her signature sustainable application to reduce the use of toxic dyes. It took about a kilo of raspberries to dye the natural silk fibre a gorgeous rose pink hue. "We need more fashion-ready technology that is simple to apply to garments, then we need to think about how to make them more sustainable in order to minimize the impact they will have on the environment.” says Carley Rose.

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